Is it possible to run a successful VR tournament at your arcade(s)?

  • BY holomia Date 2020-12-15 01:11:27

Part 1. Will ones with Oculus Quest/Quest 2 still come to your VR Arcade(s)?

Part 2. Is this possible to run a successful VR tournament at your arcade(s)?


I have a few friends that are VR arcade owners and one of many things that we had touched on in our conversations is running tournaments in VR Arcades. 

This idea is originally from the Esport industry which we see successful tournaments that had been hosted all over the world. Also, this is obviously a key factor that brings success to the sports industry overall. 

Just take a look at other major sports, Basketball, Football, Soccer, and so on. Tournaments create career opportunities for talented players as well as attracting audiences. The audience base is where the money comes for. 

Big brands won't pour the money into the industry when the size of the audiences is still relatively small. And that is one of the reasons why VR tournaments normally don't work well at VR arcades.



Another reason why VR tournaments normally don't work is that VR isn't very popular still. We are all in this industry together so we see the potential as well as the growth of the industry over time. 

However, remember how many times we ask the customers if they had tried VR in the past and we received the "NO", or sort of VR that comes with a mobile phone. 

Now, try to put ourselves in the customer's shoes and ask the question of whether we're going to participate in a Beat Saber tournament while not knowing what the game is all about as well as not being very good at it. 

The answer is NO. Unless I am confident about my skill set, I won't participate in a tournament that I have no idea about what I am getting into.



MissionX has the solution. We simplify the game control with our free-roaming solution. There is no need for the players to understand how all the buttons work, moving using the joystick, or any other complicated game control. 

At the same time, the game comes with a complicated enough game mechanic, weapons, missions, maps, and so on to keep players engaging and coming back for more.

We would love to look at our game as the FPS multiplayer competitive VR title; however, we market MissionX as the virtual reality laser tag among the businesses.

This helps to solve the issues with VR overall due to not many people understand the VR marketing message. As a result, hosting a laser tag tournament is much easier and more appealing to a bigger audience size than VR itself.



More importantly, we aim to make VR tournaments happen with MissionX. We build a VR tournament management software that is integrated into MissionX.

It simplifies the process for the operators by launching a single link for signing up, keeping track of the tournament bracket, the scoreboard, and so on.

In the case of having big groups for parties and events, VR laser tag MissionX is a perfect solution. The tournament intergration, the spectator view for audiences, and maybe a small prize will make everybody in the group happy with your tournaments, service, and the time that they spend at your VR venue(s).

Have you ever had a group size that is more than the number of headsets that you have at the venue? Sharing headsets is a solution. However, with the tournament, everybody would engage in a competitive atmosphere that is much more fun than sharing a headset and trying to decide how long a person should play before the next one.



Not only that, in the upcoming updates, we'll bring to MissionX the feature that connects arcades and venues for tournaments.

Arcades will be able to compete against each other in different locations through the MissionX game. Hosting competitions and tournaments among multiple arcades regionally or even around the world would increase the prize pools.

The prize pool will make the laser tag VR tournaments be even more attractive. As a result, it would appeal to a lot more people as well as bringing the home users who already own Quest/Quest 2 to arcades for more revenue as we discussed in Part 1.



Part 3. Personalize user experience with profiles, skins, and load-outs.


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